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Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Setting up your VPN under Windows 7

         Configuration steps of  VPN (Virtual Private Network )

                     Setting up PublicVPN access under Windows 7 is simple.
 The following instructions go step–by–step through the creation process. These instructions work under all the client–side variations of Windows 7, namely ..
Home Basic, Home Premium, Business, and Ultimate.

System Requirements
Before setting up your VPN connection, make sure your version of Windows 7 is up to date by running Windows Update.

First, click on the Start Menu and type “VPN” into the search box.

Click on the “Set up a virtual private network (VPN) connection.”

Enter the server information

Now, enter the server information as below.

In the text box labelled ‘Internet address’ type ‘’. This is the Internet address of the servers.
In the text box labelled ‘Destination name’ type ‘ PPTP’. This is the name of the connection, and will show up in the “Connect to a network” screen when we’re done.
Lastly, make sure that the checkbox labelled “Don't connect now; just set it up so I can connect later” (hilighted in yellow) is checked.
Then click the “Next” button.

Enter your username and password

In this screen, enter your username and password. This is the same username and password that you use to log in to the website.


In the text box labelled “User name:”, enter your username.
In the text box labelled “Password:”, enter your password.
Optionally, check the “Remember this password” checkbox and you won’t have to enter your password when you connect to
Then, click the ”Create” button.

Go to the connection

Click on the Start Menu, type the word ‘Network’ into the search box, and click on ‘Network and Sharing Center.’

When the Network and Sharing Center opens, click on "Connect to a network."

When you click on "Connect to a network", a list of VPNs pops up. Right click on the " PPTP" connection and choose "Properties."

 Edit the VPN type

When the property window opens, click on the "Security" tab. Click on "Automatic", and change it to "Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).

Neworking settings

This screen shows you the network settings. You may have different items in your list. In the list of items that you see, make sure that only the “Internet Protocol Version 4(TCP/IPv4)” and “Client for Microsoft Networks” items are checked. If oher protcols are checked, uncheck them by clicking on the checkbox (the thing that looks like a ‘√’). currently does not route anything except TCP/IP version 4.

Done with basic setup!

You’re now done with your basic setup! You've set up your connection to use PPTP. Click “OK” to finish now, if you want.
However, for better security we recommend that you configure your VPN connection to use an L2TP/IPsec connection, which is more secure. To do this, keep reading.

Setting up L2TP/IPsec

Create a new VPN connection document as above, but name it " L2TP".
In the “ Properties”, click on the “Type of VPN” pop–up menu (hilighted in red) and select “L2TP/IPsec”

Next, click on the “Advanced Settings…” button.

Set the Preshared Key

In the “IPsec Settings” dialog, click the radio button labelled “Use preshared key for authentication”. Then type ‘’ into the textbox labelled “Key”. Then click the “OK” button.


You’re finished! Click the ”OK” button to save your settings.
Now we can connect VPN .
Step by steps of configure a VPN connection:
1.      Log on to your computer with an account that holds administrator privileges.
2.      Click the Start button.
3.      Select Control Panel.
4.      Click the Network and Internet link.
5.      Click the Network and Sharing Center link.
6.      Click the Set up a new connection or network link.
7.      Select Connect to a workplace.
8.      Click the Next button.
9.      If prompted to use a connection you previously created:
1.      Select the No, create a new connection radio button.
2.      Click the Next button.
10.  Select Use my Internet connection (VPN).
11.  In the Internet address: text box, type:
12.  In the Destination name: text box, type: publicVPN.comPPTP
13.  Place a check in the Don't connect now; just set it up so I can connect later check box.
14.  Click the Next button.
15.  In the User name: manyveloso, type your PID:****.
16.  Verify that the Domain (optional): text box is blank.
17.  Click the Create button.
18.  Click the Close button.
19.  In the bottom-right corner of the screen, in the system tray, click the network icon.
20.  Right-click Virginia Tech VPN.
21.  From the drop-down list, select Properties.
22.  Select the Security tab.
23.  From the Type of VPN: drop-down list, select Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP).
24.  From the Data encryption: drop-down list, select Optional encryption (connect even if no encryption).
25.  Place a check in the Microsoft CHAP Version 2 (MS-CHAP v2) check box.
26.  Click OK.
27.    In the bottom-right corner of the screen, in the system tray, click the network icon.
28.    Select Virginia Tech VPN.
29.    Click the Connect button.
30.    In the Password: text box, type your network password. If you have forgotten your   password, follow the instructions at Creating or Changing Your Network Password.
31.      Click the Connect button.


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